John McMurtry on Project Sanity – “Knowledge is the secret of all human advancement”

Adapted from:

Ep 19 VIDEO PREVIEW – John McMurtry explains the immutable social imperative to flip this cancer paradigm to life-coherence and how knowledge is the secret to all human advancement.

In this episode, Project Sanity host Scott Andrew is joined by Dr. John McMurtry to define Project Sanity in the context of our clinically insane globally life-invading Money-Capital cancer system; and install the missing life coordinates (The Primary Axiom of Value).

John McMurtry (PhD) is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC). Most recently, he has focused his research on the value structure of economic theory and its consequences for global civil and environmental life.

McMurtry’s principal research project in Philosophy spanning over seven years has followed from the invitation by the Secretariat of UNESCO/EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Paris-Oxford) to construct, author and edit Philosophy and World Problems as a multi-volume study of world philosophy. Three sub-volumes entitled Western Philosophy and the Life-Ground, Modes of Reason, and Philosophy, Human Nature and Society have been written with internationally distinguished philosophers contributing to five topic areas in each of these general fields. The central title study by McMurtry, entitled, “What is Good, What is Bad? The Value of All Values Across Time, Place and Theories”, is an encompassing in-depth critical study of known world philosophies and fields to explain the inner logic of each canon and school in relationship to world problems across languages and eras including the method of life-value onto-axiology which is deployed to excavate, explain and resolve life-blind presuppositions of the world’s major thought-systems from the ancients East and West to modern and contemporary philosophy.

His latest book is The Cancer Stage of Capitalism: From Crisis to Cure.

Defining Project Sanity By Life-Value Onto-Axiology is the third extended episode of Project Sanity’s Feb 2018 four-part Social Vaccine series of weekly extended episodes.

Excerpts adapted from:

The global corporate experiment has failed. Existence on earth is in rapid decline on every level of life organization.

“The air, soil and water cumulatively degrade and disappear; the climates and oceans destabilize without connection; species become extinct at a spasm rate across continents; pollution cycles and volumes rise endangering life systems on all planes in synergistic despoliation; the world’s forests, meadows and fisheries are cumulatively destroyed by the profit drivers of globalization; food pollinators, songbirds, coral reefs and large animals crash in unconnected response; public sectors and services are defunded and privatized as tax evasion by the rich multiplies; the global food system produces more and more disabling junk and wastes; non-contagious diseases multiply to the world’s biggest killer; the global financial system issues money out of control while collapsing in productive investment; the vocational future of the next generations is erased across the world; official lies and corruption are normalized as public relations.

All the trends are one-way, degenerate, and undeniable. Yet where are the dots joined across domains?
The common cause is taboo to name.”

“Sanity means health in its etymology and its current use, applied to the mind, the healthy mind. What is most of all needed for the healthy mind of society is re-grounding in the life of the planet and humanity’s universal life needs: all of which have been blocked out and degraded by a systemically eco-genocidal system more ruinous than the rest of history put together. This instituted global insanity only grows more cumulatively mass murderous and tidally wasteful under ruling financial-growth policies of the US and its allies.

In fact, this system’s growth is the reverse of life growth at every level. But even anti-growth activism misses the point by opposing all ‘growth’, even life-enabling growth. This is one more symptom of ruling global group-mind without a life-ground. Ecology itself blinkers out the money-capitalist system propelling the ongoing global eco-genocide. It instead smears humanity as a whole, calling it the “anthropocene extinction”. The real problem is taboo to recognise: a transnational money-cell carcinoma invading and metastasizing through all domains of life organisation on the planet – organic, social and ecological. All levels of humanity’s life capital are being polluted, run down, defunded and despoiled.

How can we choose humanity’s liberation from this robotic money-system cancer when we have no idea of a life-coherent alternative? The life capital bases of all economies and ecosystems are rigorously defined by the Primary Axiom of Value and Universal Human Life Necessities. But while they are proven as self-evident and undeniable in fact and principle, they are blocked out because they go against all the dominant doctrines, silos and ruling lies. Life capital – life wealth that produces more life wealth without loss in cumulative gain – does not even have a name. Only money capital exists, including to Marxists.

With no life-coherent alternative to the life-blind global money system which by definition sucks the lifeblood out of human and world life hosts with no committed life function but only more limitless demands for more control of everything to multiply its private money demands. It increasingly sucks the life blood out of everything – from our water and energy security to our public healthcare and pensions, from our children’s higher education as debt slavery to all our material infrastructures. What means of life on earth is not in cumulative cancerous erosion for ever more money demand to the top and ever less responsibility to any life carrying capacity of society or the planet? (this is called “libertarianism” by the rich and their ideologues).

Always the ultimate question no-one can answer is: Who decides the better system? What principle of life development can we all can agree on? What common ground or standard works across domains? Contemporary philosophers have so failed that they variously conclude that there is no such thing as a universal value or moral standard. There are only contingent world-views, values, perspectives, diverse languages and cultures, never any unifying principle of good or evil across them. Thus by default only money value propagated from Wall Street rules across cultures with the global corporate market of junk and homicidal commodities as its vehicle of invasion of life bearers and support systems. With no more basic value to live by, the life world is progressively spoiled and devoured by the transnational money-sequence cancer.

Here is where we can finally touch bottom and anchor in what no-one can dispute without rejecting human and planetary life itself – the Primary Axiom of All Values and Universal Human Life Needs/Necessities. They spell out the universal life ground and value system in exact and measurable terms across domains. These principles and algorithms of life value are self-evident across perspectives, societies and the world. They are universal and without limit of validity. They together form the ultimately regulating life coherence principle to govern moral, economic, mathematical and political theories now a-priori life-blind.”

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