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Capabilities: That which living things are able to by virtue of their being alive (e.g., feel, sense, think, and so forth). As such, capabilities are the source of life-value for living things in so far as they are expressed and enjoyed. Source: ‘What is Good? What is Bad? The Value of All Values across Time, Place and Theories’… Read More


Capability: The general types of activity that distinguish organic life from inanimate things. Source: ‘What is Good? What is Bad? The Value of All Values across Time, Place and Theories’ by John McMurtry, Philosophy and World Problems, Volume I-III, UNESCO in partnership with Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems: Oxford, 2004-11. 

Capacity building

Capacity building: Capacity building is the development of knowledge, skills, commitment, structures, systems and leadership to enable effective health promotion. It involves actions to improve health at three levels: the advancement of knowledge and skills among practitioners; the expansion of support and infrastructure for health promotion in organizations, and; the development of cohesiveness and partnerships… Read More


Capital: Wealth that can be used to produce more wealth without loss by consumption or waste. The generic concept is applicable to natural capital, knowledge capital and so on (i.e., forms of life capital). False reduction of life capital to money capital is the ultimate onto-axiological confusion of the era. Source: ‘What is Good? What is… Read More


Capitalism: economic model in which the means of production are owned privately and society’s production is guided and distributed by the principle of private-profit maximization within borderless markets of exchange for priced commodities. An economic system based upon the private control of natural and social wealth and wage labor, governed by an imperative of constant and growing… Read More